Sparking Prayer Breakfasts
Prayer Breakfasts and other Prayer Gatherings can have a unique and transforming impact on your community, your leaders and your elected representatives:
- They encourage greater unity among Christians around a common purpose
- They are a reminder of the importance and impact of prayer for elected representatives
- They are a visible encouragement to elected representatives and community leaders
- They are a positive witness to the community
- They are a powerful vehicle for the Holy Spirit to infuse the life of the community and the lives of leaders
You Can Be A Spark
- Encourage a friend to pray with you for your politicians

- Encourage others in your church to pray regularly for elected representatives
- Join a prayer group or prayer walk or, if there isn’t one, start one
- Volunteer to help with your local community prayer breakfast or, if there isn’t one,
reach out to other churches or community leaders to start one
We Can Help You to
- Set up a Prayer Breakfast
- Organize prayer events at yoiur church
- Hold Prayer Gatherings in your community
- Connect with the offices of your government officials (Local, Provincial, Federal)
- Learn how to pray effectively with and for your elected representatives